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New patients MUST arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their appointment time, and established patients should arrive 5-15 minutes prior to their appointment time, in order to complete any new or necessary in-clinic paperwork. Failure to do so may result in your appointment being rescheduled and incurring a missed appointment fee.


Patients who are late for their appointment may be required to reschedule which will result in a missed appointment fee. If we are able to see the patient after a late arrival, it will result in a shortened time with the provider and the visit will be limited to the most pressing issue. The patient will be required to make another appointment to have any remaining issues addressed. (Our ability to see patients past their appointment time depends upon several factors and will be determined on a case by case basis by the front desk and/or clinical staff).


Missed appointment fees will be assessed for patients who do not call to cancel or reschedule AT LEAST 24 hours before their scheduled appointment time or for patients who arrive late for a scheduled appointment.


The fee for the first missed appointment is $25.


The fee for the second missed appointment is $50.


The fee for the third missed appointment is $100.


A fourth missed appointment may result in your (and in some circumstances your family) dismissal from all providers and care at VECTOR. Dismissal under these terms is necessary for VECTOR to provide equitable care to all people.


You are responsible for maintaining up-to-date contact information with the clinic at all times. Please ensure that voicemail and email boxes are available for us to leave messages or you must provide an alternate reliable method of contact.


It is the patient/guardian's responsibility to verify if their appointment is in-clinic or telemedicine at least 24 hours prior to the appointment.


You are responsible for disclosing true and accurate health information to VECTOR in order for us to create a care plan that addresses your unique health needs.


Payment for all services is due IN FULL BEFORE or AT THE TIME of service. This may include copays, deductibles, coinsurance, past balance and/or self-pay costs of care. If you need to discuss your statement or make payment arrangements, you may call 405-844-5221 at least 24 hours before your appointment. Non-payment may result in dismissal from the clinic.


VECTOR does not accept personal checks. Payments are accepted using cash, credit card or money order.


VECTOR makes every effort to verify coverage for services provided, however insurance verification does not guarantee that all services that have been provided will be covered. It is the patient's responsibility to make sure any planned services will be covered. If you have questions about your coverage or out of pocket costs, it is best to contact your insurance directly.


VECTOR is committed to protecting patient privacy and creating a safe space where sensitive and confidential information can be discussed. This means that ALL PATIENTS AGE 12 AND OLDER ARE SEEN ALONE for at least part of their visit.


If you are a minor (or adult dependent) and your guardian DOES NOT AGREE to this policy, you cannot be seen at this clinic until you are able to consent for yourself.


If you, or a support person, are verbally abusive, blatantly disrespectful or threatening in ANY way to ANY of the VECTOR clinic/support staff, ANY patient or ANY clinic guest - you AND your family will be dismissed from the clinic immediately. We have a NO TOLERANCE policy for abuse and are committed to offering and maintaining a safe space for all.


Face coverings are required at all times while inside the clinic for all people ages 2 and older.

Support people for adult patients and clinic visitors are NOT permitted to enter the clinical area if you have not received 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna or 1 dose of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccination. Proof of vaccination may be required.

The only unvaccinated people permitted in the clinical area are patients and parents/legal guardians.

This is for the safety of our immunocompromised patients.


If Fayetteville Public Schools close OR SWITCH TO VIRTUAL LEARNING DUE TO WEATHER, or if Fayetteville city offices close for weather, VECTOR's Lobby will also be closed. We will attempt to switch to telemedicine for those patients who have consented to telemedicine and have concerns that can safely be addressed remotely. For those that have not consented to telemedicine or have concerns that cannot be addressed virtually, we will call you to reschedule your appointment when we are back to the office.

VECTOR Health & Wellness, LLC

1267 N Steamboat Dr, Ste 3

Fayetteville, AR 72704

Phone: 479-316-6565

Fax: 479-316-0331


© 2019 by VECTOR Health & Wellness, LLC

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